
Becoming An Entrepreneur in Portland

Don’t worry—this isn’t the usual get-rich-quick scheme that promises you will become a millionaire overnight but only serves to drain your bank account and alienate you from friends and family who are weary of your constant pitches. I would not waste your time or insult your intelligence with such a scam. Instead, this is your chance to join a legitimate company containing a wealth advisor in Portland that will teach you exactly how to become a successful, self-sustaining entrepreneur.

You don’t need any sales or marketing experience or even like coffee in order to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As long as you are coachable and trainable and are willing to follow the simple system that’s already in place, you possess all the necessary qualifications. With your membership, you will be assigned a wealth advisor in Portland that will teach you absolutely everything you’ll need to know in order to become successful with your own home-based business.


Organo Gold Coffee Now Available In MASSACHUSETTS !

Hello MASSACHUSETTS! I am Miguel Lopez, an independent Organo Gold distributor based in MARLBOROUGH. I work in and around the area of New England and also have an online Organo Gold store.

I am excited to tell you about Organo Gold, a coffee unlike any other. Whether you usually get your coffee at Marlborough grocery stores, Boston diners, or Marlborough espresso drive-throughs, I invite you to try Organo Gold Ganoderma Coffee.

Ganoderma Coffee, is not only tasty, it is bringing the miracle of Ganoderma to the World.
Organo Gold coffee contains Ganoderma Lucidum, an herb that was discovered 4,000 years before Boston was every built. This special herb has many key ingredients for all men and women.
Organo Gold uses the world’s second favorite beverage (after water) to deliver the goodness of Ganoderma to Boston coffee drinkers.

I would love to make you a hot cup of Organo Gold so you can experience it for yourself. Give me a call at 508-904-7583 I will send you FREE SAMPLES to try Organo Gold  Coffee .

I hope to hear from you soon!

Miguel Lopez
Independent Organo Gold Distributor

Organo Gold also offers an income opportunity in MASSACHUSETTS that is as simple as inviting friends over for coffee.

Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world after oil. People in the Boston area drink coffee all day, every day.

So here is a very powerful question: When was the last time you were paid every time someone in MA (or anywhere in the world) enjoyed a savory cup of coffee?
Click the image on the right to contact me when you are ready to learn more about Organo Gold coffee.
Or call me now at 508-904-7583.


Becoming a Organo Gold Distributor has been life changing for me and my family

As an Organo Gold Distributor I have never been involved in something so profitable!

I was like most people before becoming an Organo Gold Distributor.  I would get up early in the morning and go to work for 8 hours, get off from work and go home, spend a little time with my family, go to sleep, and get up and do it all over again.  When it was all said and done, I was making someone else rich.  I began to ask my self the question, “Is my time worth more than what I am getting paid?”  The answer to the question was always yes.  I made the decision that I needed to do something to change my financial situation, but I did not know how or what?

Coffee became my life line

I received a call from a good friend of mine who is owner at an Auto Dealer here in Marlborough.  I detected excitement in his voice that I never heard before.  He said that he was introduced to something that he felt would help him financially and he immediately thought about me. I listened to the information he had and made plans to attend a meeting to get more detailed information.  We went to the meeting and we were blown away by what we heard. I must admit that I was a little skeptical before attending, because I thought it was another one of those pyramid things.  Boy was that ever so far from the truth.  My wife attended the meeting with me only out of respect for our friend.  See my wife was never interested in any type of network marketing opportunities.  Once the meeting was over my wife reached in her purse, pulled out her credit card and said we are in.  I knew that this was the opportunity that we have been looking for, I was now an Organo Gold Distributor!

I found my why

Ladies and Gentlemen you must find your why.  My why was to provide for my children and my children’s children.  This is a very big task for me since my wife and I have four children ranging from age 5 through 15.  I see the big picture and I will let nothing stop me from reaching my goal.  See this is a family business, which means my children are involved as well.   Whenever we have a coffee jazz mixer at our home, they make sure that everyone signs in when they come through the door, and that they all have coffee.  It is a beautiful site to see.

You can make excuses or you can make money, but you can’t make both

If you have every been involved in network marketing or approached by someone about network marketing, you may have been skeptical like I was.  People fail in network marketing, because if they do not see immediate success they give up.  They do not understand that this is a business which requires work.  The average business turns a profit in 2-3 years, but yet people expect a profit in network marketing immediately.  It is a business and therefore it must be treated as such.  I am an Organo Gold Distributor, and I will put my business up against any other network marketing business out there.  With the right leadership and internet marketing my business is thriving and continues to see amazing growth.

I am looking for people that want to take this journey with me and become an Organo Gold Distributor.  I have something that many other network marketers do not have, and that is a direct link to the #2 network marketer in the world!  If you want to fire your boss for good, then you need to get started.

Becoming an Independent Organo Gold Distributor.

 It's Easy, It's Simple, It's Coffee!


Organo Gold Gourmet Healthy Coffee

Product Brochure


Organo Gold Products have been developed with the perfect combination of ingredients to bring a healthier choice to your daily lifestyle. 

Gourmet Café Latte
The rich and creamy taste of latte, made with high quality Arabica beans and 100% Organic Ganoderma.

Gourmet Café Mocha
The combination of the finest cocoa and coffee beans, with 100% Organic Ganoderma brings about our "Dessert in a cup".

Gourmet Hot Chocolate
A unique blend of smooth rich chocolate taste and 100% Organic Ganoderma a drink that everyone can enjoy.

Premium Gourmet King of Coffee
Premium 100% Certified Organic Coffee infused with 100% Certified Ganoderma Spore Powder.

Gourmet Black Coffee
The dark bitter taste and deep aroma of freshly brewed coffee, infused with 100% Organic Ganoderma.

Premium Gourmet Royal Brewed
Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee infused with 100% Certified Organic Ganoderma Spore Powder. A brew fit for royalty.

Gourmet Café Supreme
The power of Ginseng and 100% Certified Organic Ganoderma combined for a smooth latte blend.

Organic Green Tea
The soothing and flavorful character of Green Tea combined with the benefits of 100% Organic Ganoderma.

Organo Gold offers Natural Health Products such as 100% Certified Organic Ganoderma, 100% Organic Spore Powder, Ganoderma Lucidum Mycelium, and Grapeseed Oil Extract.

G3 Premium Beauty Soap
A unique combination of Ganoderma, Glutathione and Grapeseed Oil Extract.

OG Smile
A toothpaste with 100% Organic Ganoderma and the fresh taste of mint, for the special care of your teeth and gums.

Ganoderma Lucidum dates as far back as 4000 years ago. Records show the herb was prized by emperors for its miraculuos benefits. People traveled high up the mountains and deep into forest just to harvest this rare herb.

Original extraction of Ganoderma took a long process of either boiling the mushrooms for hours, or soaking then in alcohol for weeks. Now, through controlled cultivation, Ganoderma can be extracted and obtained in powder form.

Organo Gold offers only the highest quality and purest state of 100% Certified Organic Ganoderma through our products and beverages. For those searching for a healthier lifestyle and financial independence, look to Organo Gold - The True Treasure of Life!

Common Names: Red Reishi, Lingzhi, Mannentake, Yeongii

Change Your Coffee, Change Your Life.


Independent Organo Gold Distributor Contact Information

Miguel Lopez

Join Here!