
What is Ganoderma?

Ganoderma The Wonder Mushroom (Herb) that Withstood the Test of Time in China for 4000 years. Now re-discovered by the Western World.
For over 4000 years Ganoderma Lucidum has been recognized by Chinese medical professionals as the highest ranked of all herbs found in the ChinesePharmacopoeiaThe Chinese name for Ganoderma is Lingzhi, means “spiritual potency”. The Japanese name for Ganoderma is Reishi and is regarded as the King of Herbs.  Dr. Shi-Jean Lee,the most famous Chinese medical doctor of the Ming Dynasty, strongly endorsed the effectiveness of Ganoderma in his famous book, Ban Chao Gang Moo (“Great Pharmacopoeia”). He stated that the “long-term taking of Ganoderma (Reishi) (Lingzhi) will build a strong, healthy body and assure a long life.

OrGano Gold Log Harvested Ganoderma