
Five Fun Reasons to Love Tea

Tea is a truly international beverage, with many cultures including it in their daily routine: Britain has its fine bone china teacups; India has ornate, hand-carved teapots; Morocco serves its mint tea in beautifully-painted glass tea cups; China and Japan practice ancient tea ceremonies; and even modern tea adoptees such as America’s Southerners can proudly be seen sipping their tall glasses of iced tea (sometimes laced with sweet, freshly-picked peaches!) on steamy summer afternoons.

There is something inherently soothing about the goodness of tea that has seen it adopted by so many cultures across the globe. Here are our five reasons for loving tea:
1. Many cultures across the world have tea ceremonies, from the ancient rituals in China and Japan to the classic British “high tea” where pretty little teacups are served alongside dainty tea sandwiches and scones.
2. Tea became popular in the UK after Britain colonized India in the late 1700s. The tea plant thrives in the ideal tea-growing climate of India, notably in regions such as the Darjeeling mountains. Nearby, Ceylon (now known as Sri Lanka) is also renowned for its high quality tea production.
3. Tea also gained favor in British colonies such as Australia and New Zealand due to the influence of their English settlers.
4. Organo Gold’s Organic Red Tea is like a blank canvas. You can make it strong, you can add honey or lemon or your favorite milk for extra flavor, or you can drink it warm (and comforting) or iced (and refreshing) depending on your mood and the weather.
5. Organo Gold’s premium Organic Green Tea is a great way to indulge in the “ritual” of tea. Try mixing up a batch in a Japanese stoneware teapot, or serving it in ceramic teacups, for a more traditional “tea service”.


Does your coffee contain caffeine?

Our coffee beverages are not decaffeinated and contain approximately the same amount of caffeine as your average Arabica blend. The only difference is that our coffee products contain Authentic Organic Ganoderma.

The caffeine in Organo Gold products is naturally occurring. Naturally occurring caffeine can vary depending on the variety of coffee or cocoa beans, the blend and/or the brewing method. The caffeine in instant coffee ranges from approx. 100mg to 150mg per serving. The range of caffeine in cocoa beverages is 3-32mg per serving, with the typical being approx. 6mg.


Gourmet Healthy Coffee in Atlanta

You probably never imagined that gourmet healthy coffee in Atlanta could be the key to your living the lifestyle you crave, but I’m here to tell you that it really can! Think about how many people you come across each day who drink coffee… Probably a lot, right? You probably don’t even feel fully awake until you’ve had your first cup of coffee in the morning. This simple opportunity combines the rampant popularity of coffee with the always-booming health and wellness industry to create a system that anyone can use to become successful.

Maybe you never thought of yourself as the kind of person who would own her own business. Well, it’s time for you to rid yourself of these limiting beliefs and open your mind to what is possible. So, even if you never imagined yourself as an entrepreneur, this unique opportunity makes it possible! You will learn how to create abundance for yourself and your family by spreading the word about a healthy coffee in Atlanta that not only tastes great, but makes people feel great.


What is Ganoderma?

Ganoderma The Wonder Mushroom (Herb) that Withstood the Test of Time in China for 4000 years. Now re-discovered by the Western World.
For over 4000 years Ganoderma Lucidum has been recognized by Chinese medical professionals as the highest ranked of all herbs found in the ChinesePharmacopoeiaThe Chinese name for Ganoderma is Lingzhi, means “spiritual potency”. The Japanese name for Ganoderma is Reishi and is regarded as the King of Herbs.  Dr. Shi-Jean Lee,the most famous Chinese medical doctor of the Ming Dynasty, strongly endorsed the effectiveness of Ganoderma in his famous book, Ban Chao Gang Moo (“Great Pharmacopoeia”). He stated that the “long-term taking of Ganoderma (Reishi) (Lingzhi) will build a strong, healthy body and assure a long life.

OrGano Gold Log Harvested Ganoderma


Organo Gold Business Opportunity Presentation

Do you drink coffee or know somebody who drinks coffee? Are you interested in something really big and healthy? And in coffee that actually pays you?! …. – our link for join now: http://miguellopezcafe.organogold.com – for more informations e-mail me: m.lopezcafe@gmail.com


Becoming An Entrepreneur in Portland

Don’t worry—this isn’t the usual get-rich-quick scheme that promises you will become a millionaire overnight but only serves to drain your bank account and alienate you from friends and family who are weary of your constant pitches. I would not waste your time or insult your intelligence with such a scam. Instead, this is your chance to join a legitimate company containing a wealth advisor in Portland that will teach you exactly how to become a successful, self-sustaining entrepreneur.

You don’t need any sales or marketing experience or even like coffee in order to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As long as you are coachable and trainable and are willing to follow the simple system that’s already in place, you possess all the necessary qualifications. With your membership, you will be assigned a wealth advisor in Portland that will teach you absolutely everything you’ll need to know in order to become successful with your own home-based business.