I was like most people before becoming an Organo Gold Distributor. I would get up early in the morning and go to work for 8 hours, get off from work and go home, spend a little time with my family, go to sleep, and get up and do it all over again. When it was all said and done, I was making someone else rich. I began to ask my self the question, “Is my time worth more than what I am getting paid?” The answer to the question was always yes. I made the decision that I needed to do something to change my financial situation, but I did not know how or what?
Coffee became my life line
I received a call from a good friend of mine who is owner at an Auto Dealer here in Marlborough. I detected excitement in his voice that I never heard before. He said that he was introduced to something that he felt would help him financially and he immediately thought about me. I listened to the information he had and made plans to attend a meeting to get more detailed information. We went to the meeting and we were blown away by what we heard. I must admit that I was a little skeptical before attending, because I thought it was another one of those pyramid things. Boy was that ever so far from the truth. My wife attended the meeting with me only out of respect for our friend. See my wife was never interested in any type of network marketing opportunities. Once the meeting was over my wife reached in her purse, pulled out her credit card and said we are in. I knew that this was the opportunity that we have been looking for, I was now an Organo Gold Distributor!
I found my why
Ladies and Gentlemen you must find your why. My why was to provide for my children and my children’s children. This is a very big task for me since my wife and I have four children ranging from age 5 through 15. I see the big picture and I will let nothing stop me from reaching my goal. See this is a family business, which means my children are involved as well. Whenever we have a coffee jazz mixer at our home, they make sure that everyone signs in when they come through the door, and that they all have coffee. It is a beautiful site to see.
You can make excuses or you can make money, but you can’t make both
If you have every been involved in network marketing or approached by someone about network marketing, you may have been skeptical like I was. People fail in network marketing, because if they do not see immediate success they give up. They do not understand that this is a business which requires work. The average business turns a profit in 2-3 years, but yet people expect a profit in network marketing immediately. It is a business and therefore it must be treated as such. I am an Organo Gold Distributor, and I will put my business up against any other network marketing business out there. With the right leadership and internet marketing my business is thriving and continues to see amazing growth.
I am looking for people that want to take this journey with me and become an Organo Gold Distributor.
I have something that many other network marketers do not have, and
that is a direct link to the #2 network marketer in the world! If you
want to fire your boss for good, then you need to get started.